Tuesday 7 February 2012


Hello, and welcome to the initial post for my new blog.  I swore I'd never do this... who in their right mind would want to blog about stuff!?  It seemed like such a waste of time!  But here I am... typing away on my keyboard... trying to come up with something to say.

I'll admit right off the top - I'm no writer!  A lot of what you'll read on this blog is going to be random thoughts that randomly come out of my head and onto the screen.  And I'm sure a lot of it won't make any sense!  Alas, there are things I'd like to share that just don't fit into the confines of my website, and that's where this comes in.

A good friend of mine suggested to me a few months ago that I should start a blog about my outdoor adventuring.  You see, I love the outdoors, and that love of the outdoors is what helped spark my passion for wanting to photograph it!  I'm not an adventurer that you would find in one of those crazy, over the top videos from the Banff Film Festival.  No... my outdoorsy stuff is a lot more laid back.  I do a lot of hiking and biking, but mostly I love to paddle.  My canoe and I have been through a lot together, and we've logged many miles through the Manitoba wilderness!  It's from these trips into the great outdoors that I would like to share with you a little of what I get to witness that many others miss out on.

Enjoying a dip through a rapid on the
 Manigitogan River - 2009

So... while I will be sharing some new landscape and nature images as well, a lot of what you'll see here will be from my tripping - both past and to come.  I make no promises as to how often I'll update here.  I would like to have a goal of once a week - but with two kids and everything else that's going on around home, that may be a bit ambitious!  Anyway, it should be fun, and I hope you enjoy.  Feel free to let me know how I'm doing by leaving the odd comment - I'll be sure to check them out.